Information Literacy Project
A project for my class entitled Electronic Databases and Information Services, where I created a presentation for practical demonstration of the objectives taught.
Objectives and Expected Outcomes
By the end of this sixty-minute session, students will be able to identify the appropriate type of database for their particular information needs in the education department. They will have a better understanding of how to find these databases through the library’s website. They will learn appropriate and more advanced search strategies. They will understand how to interpret the results of those searches and then learn what to do with those results once they have found them.
User Population and Accommodations Recommendations
The users in this class will be undergraduate university students in their first or second semester of study in the School of Education. They will represent differing specializations within the school of education, and they will have differing knowledge and information-seeking needs. In addition, there will be students who are not native English speakers.
With these needs in mind, I will provide the following accommodations:
• a slide presentation available by QR code for asynchronous review. The instructor could also email a link to the students who attended afterwards.
o This helps students who need extra processing time or who need to review when they are on their own after the session.
• a transcript of my lecture available by link for text-to-voice reading
o This is for students who struggle with reading or focusing (i.e. students with dyslexia or ADHD as well as students with vision difficulties).
• built-in time for collaboration with other students.
o allows for differentiated learning and for information review, hitting all of the instruction from different angles which helps all learners process the information better.
• Video footage of the steps with (my live) audio and written commentary.
o Allows for differentiated learning and review.
Presentation Notes Provided Here to allow for Text-to-Voice reading asynchronously.
Section 1: Introduction and Agenda – Before session and first five minutes.
Instructor will introduce herself, help students know where to sit, show them what to do on the slide, and give them time to answer the question on an index card. The instructor will use the answers on the index card to see where the students are in their information needs.
The instructor will take a couple of minutes to show the agenda for the session.
Section 2: Why Use Online Databases? And Introduction to UNT Library Website to find databases (5 Minutes)
Instructor will discuss the advantages of online databases and present an educational research scenario. The instructor will then show the video on the presentation to show how to access the online databases specific to the education profession.
Section 3: Educational Database Overview: (10 Minutes)
The instructor will show two demonstration videos for Education Source and ERIC, pausing the video to make sure everyone understands the basic interface.
Section 4: Using Advanced Search: (10 Minutes)
The Instructor will review Boolean Logic terms and explain other helpful search limiters: peer reviewed, full text, date range, language, geography, and subject. The Instructor will then show the video that demonstrates these Advanced Search Strategies, pausing the video along the way to help students practice with the video steps.
Section 5: Interpreting and Saving Search Results (10 minutes)
The Instructor will discuss briefly how to read through sources, focusing reading on the Abstract and skimming the Literature Review and the Conclusion. The instructor will then talk through ways to save sources, showing a video that demonstrates each step.
Section 6: Practice! (10-15 minutes)
The Instructor will give the students time to practice with another research scenario, working together to come up with search terms, ways to narrow or broaden the search with Boolean Logic and other limiters and discuss their results.
Section 7: Evaluation Form and Q&A (5-10 minutes)
The instructor will have participants fill out a Google Form evaluation and leave or ask questions.
One-Page Patron Instructional Handout
References and Software Used
Brown, C. C., & Bell, S. S. (2018). Librarian's Guide to Online Searching: Cultivating Database Skills for Research and Instruction. Bloomsbury Academic.
Education Source. (2023, March 2). EBSCOHost. Retrieved December 10, 2023, from
ERIC. (2023, March 2). EBSCOHost. Retrieved December 10, 2023, from
University Libraries. (n.d.). University Libraries - UNT. Retrieved December 10, 2023, from
Software Used Presentation and Document Design Software QR code generator
Screen Recorder by OMI: Software used to screen capture the demonstration videos
Google Forms: Evaluation Form
Evaluation Sheet: Link to Google Form